AT – Drilling

AT - Drilling – Perfect solution for demanding drilling operation

AT – drilling is an ideal method when the soil mainly consists of solid rock.

Together with the client from the beginning of the project

The best and most cost-effective situation is achieved when our equipment and services are brought in as early as possible, preferably already in the planning stage, by combining the input of consultants and planners. This way the possibilities of new technologies can be effectively utilized and cost savings gained at an early stage.

When and why AT – drilling

Guided AT – drilling is best in accurate drillings where the soil consists of rock and stony land or mixed soil. Guided rock drilling works best in casing pipes of electricity and telecommunication cables, water pipes, pressure sewerline and gas pipes.

AT – drilling uses a guided rock drill at the head of the rods thus enabling installation of underground cables and pipes without open trench. The head of the drill is reversible and the direction can be changed, if necessary. The drilling progress is monitored by measuring instruments and that is why the drilling is so accurate.

  • Underground cables and pipes can be installed without open trench
  • Accuracy requiring drillings to rock and stony soil and mixed soils
  • Casing pipes of electricity and telecommunication cables
  • Water pipes and pressure sewerline
  • Gas pipes
  • Drilling can be guided while drilling goes on
  • Maximum length of the drilled line depends on the soil type
  • Diameters 110mm – 900mm
  • Installation lengths up to 600m
  • Applicable soil conditions: stone, solid rock, moraine and mixed soil
  • Problematic soil: broken rock and boulder soil