Hammer Drilling

Hammer Drilling – Will get you even through granite

Hammer drilling is one of the most commonly used methods, which is suitable for all soil types from clay to rock. Our wide range of supplies and our expert workers enable cost-effective work performance in Finland and abroad.

Practical method

Hammer drilling is a practical method in problematic mixed soil with clay, gravel and big stones. In Finland, hammer drilling is most commonly used steel casing pipes underground. Hammer drilling is suitable for drilling in problematic mixed and rocky soil and solid rock, where it is impossible or difficult to carry out the work with other methods used in Finland.

Together from the beginning

The best and most cost-effective situation is achieved when our equipment and services are brought in as early as possible, preferably already in the planning stage, by combining the input of consultants and planners. This way the possibilities of new technologies can be effectively utilized and cost savings gained at an early stage.

Benefits of the method and projects where it can be used

Hammer drilling (crown drilling) is an drilling method, which can effectively be used in drilling hard and dense soil. Stones and rock are turned into fine gravel as the drill crown at the head of the steel casing pipe rotates and drills the soil material. (Due to Compressed air the head of the drill hits hard on target and breaks the soil efficiently. When the impact is combined to mechanical movement, even very hard soil can easily be crushed. Modern technology of hammer drilling equipment enables working near the surface of structures without being worried about damaging them.)

Hammer drilling works best in mixed soil and thus it is one of the most used drilling methods.

Advantages of this method is that drilling liquids are not needed and the pipe will be installed tightly. After installation depressions under the pipes cannot occur due to tight installation.

The best applications for hammer drilling are oil and gas pipelines, water pipes, pressure and sewerpipe, rainwater drains, electricity and telecommunication cables, subsurface drains.

Our machinery is able to install pipes from 168mm to 1420mm to hard rock and mixes soil.

  • Water and sewage pipes
  • Oil and gas pipelines
  • Pressure and gravity sewerlines
  • Rain water drains
  • Cables and telecommunication
  • Blind holes
  • Ventilation holes
  • Quick movement and dismantling
  • Inexpensive starting and finishing pits
  • Systems get through all soils from clay to hard rock
  • Systems minimise damages to the land
  • Good directional accuracy